Rain/thunderstorms Italy coverage unavailable
Currently, 27/05/2021 17:48 UTC the italian radar coverage is not available on almost the whole peninsula, except a small part of north east area that is probably covered from Slovenian radar.
@lelepisto Hello, this is probably a temporary issue, but we will look into it.
@korina Ciao, maybe it is due to the change of address of the radar maps on the site of the Civil Protection. The new address is: https://mappe.protezionecivile.it/it/mappe-rischi/piattaforma-radar
@marcopreti Hello, thank you for the link. Do you know where we can find their API?
Not working!
"404 Not found" http/https error on all Rest API and WMS/WMTS services! -
Available RESTful services at page:
https://radar.protezionecivile.it/wide-api/Endpoint address:
http://wapi1.cloudspc.protezionecivile.it:8080/wide-api/wide?_wadl -
@meteonautica @emmav674 @lelepisto @marcopreti Hello, we have resolved the inactive source and the IT radar is back online.
Yes, the DPC Radar Web App is working at https://radar.protezionecivile.it/radar-dpc/
but API (REST and WADL) are unavailable.Old API return HTTP error 404 Not Found and "New" API listed at https://radar.protezionecivile.it/wide-api/ have DNS error (tested several DNS servers).
Best regards.
Now the new DPC Radar REST service seems working...