Radar Italy
I'd like to share the new link with you:
and the API to download the data:
Thank you!
Thank you!
@francescoizzi @Meteonautica Hello, the IT radar is working again.
I'd like to share the new link with you:
and the API to download the data:
@francescoizzi Hello, there is currently a IT radar data outage, we will resolve this once the data are back online.
@korina The data is online, please refer to the updated addresses I posted.
is it possible to also fix the link (logo below) to the civil protection site? the new link is: https://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/ -
@francescoizzi We will investigate it.
@francescoizzi Hello, the IT radar is back online - https://community.windy.com/topic/18213/it-radar-data-outage