Elevation did not load: Type error:Failed to fetch
Good morning, when i try to see the trajectory, appear this error: "Elevation did not load: Type error:Failed to fetch"
This is the error detail:Error no: 1
"timestamp": 1622277708105,
"runningMs": 15199,
"type": "error",
"msg": "Script error.",
"line": 0,
"col": 0,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/undefined?40.414,-3.702,5",
"script": "",
"ver": "30.2.1",
"target": "index",
"deviceID": "94a3dacf-6d61-efc3-9506-3d9fa9d43260",
"error": " null (unable to serialize object: Cannot convert undefined or null to object)",
"isOnline": true,
"latestBcast": "bcast: rqstClose plugins (5080ms ago at 1622277703025)
bcast: pluginClosed plugins (4569ms ago at 1622277703536)
bcast: rqstOpen windy-plugin-traj (3073ms ago at 1622277705032)
bcast: rqstClose picker (3006ms ago at 1622277705099)
bcast: pluginOpened windy-plugin-traj (2933ms ago at 1622277705172)",
"sessionName": "es-vabroll2018",
"sessionCounter": 284,
"lang": "es",
"retina": true,
"size": "1368x912",
"glParticles": true,
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "script-error"
@vabroll2018 Thanks
The server providing elevation data is down for the moment, I added another server, should work now.
However, airspace still not working for now.