Past data, for viewing, statistical model bar, pie chart, seasonal rainfall or snow fall data
Please include a feature to view Past weather,
Actual rainfall in a region of view or through APIs day wise, weekly, monthly, annually, decade, century etc
Please include a view that shows the difference between the forecast and the actuals in the region of view or to fetch data for a region of interest APIs
Please include a feature to show statistical models or charts like pie chart, bar chart, for precipitation, temperature possible energy that can be generated through solar panels, wind possible energy that can generated thorough wind turbines, flood history through out a century or decades etc...
Please include a feature to show weather now as default view that matches the current time of region of views...
Please include a feature to play or roll backs wards to understand the seasonal rainfall in a given region monsoon wise. -
@karthikeyank Hello, we do not visualize real-time weather data, but forecast based on global and local weather models. However you can use weather stations that report actual values and compare it with forecast. This is already available on Windy.
Weather forecast for "now" is already available, just open detailed forecast and you will see data for your location and current hour.