Pressure Isobars data layer extracted from other model than currently selected
As shown on screenshot, when a data layer is selected for a model with regional extent (here, AROME 1.3km):
- pressure isobars data layer is obviously extracted from a worldwide coverage model (I guess from ECMWF, which is default)
- wind particles animation data layer seems to be extracted from selected model, as it stops at that model extent... but is it really AROME here?
I think all data layers should be extracted from same model, or well the model used for each of them - if for some reasons would be different from the currently selected one - should be somehow explicitly listed on "i" control info...
@vsinceac Hello, if there are no available isobars for model such as Arome, then we display isobars from default model ECMWF.
@Korina OK, but anyway I think that the model for isobars should be somehow explicitely provided on UI; default ECMWF was just a guess from my part, I don't think all users are aware of it.
I even wonder if it would be a good idea to combine layers from two very different models on same map.... but as it is already done, why not allowing the user to select the model for Pressure when not available iin currently selected model for some other parameter? -
Yes, you are right, msl pressure parameter is not available with the 1.3km AROME version, only with the 2.5km version. Windy uses the first one. -
@vsinceac Hello, I understand your point, we may do that in the future.