Wind data detail does not correspond with selected altitude
Hi there,
Thanks for making Windy! I just bought Premium so that I could get more granular wind forecasts at 100m because that's the most relevant to my area.
When I adjust the altitude slider, the main page graphic updates, but the point detail is still stuck at surface altitude. How can I view the point forecast numerically at 100m?
See attached images where whether I select 100m or 13.5km above sea level, it's all the same numbers
In fact as shown by the small icon, these combined wind arrows have be designed for kitesurfing or snow kite. So it only provide wind speed at surface.
See: -
@idefix37 Thanks for that. Is there any other view / option that can show me the forecast numbers at 100m? The visualisation changes depending on the height I select, so it appears that there is a forecast, I just need the one for 100m
If I correctly understand what you need, you want to know the wind speed at 100m aloft, as predicted by the different models? The only way is to select the Wind layer > move the picker to the location > select the models to get their wind forecast. But you can’t display these wind predictions all together.By the way, you said that you want to get wind forecasts ‘at 100m because that's the most relevant to my area’. Could you explain the reason for that? Is it because your area located at an altitude of 100m? In this case, your approach is wrong.