temperature in Holyrood NL CA misreported
The temperature in Holyrood Newfoundland is being misreported. It is showing as 24C, when the temp in the capital city not that far away is 8C. the identifier for holyrood is EW3441. Please look into this issue, thanks.
This is the risk to take when using non-WMO weather stations. Nowadays everyone can buy on ebay and other amazons a so-called "weather station" for a couple of dollars, and then push on the web measures taken by any kind of sensors. Just be aware that many of these stations are not calibrated and thus not trustworthy.
Obviously the temperature sensors (at least) of station EW3441 are fucked off, while the owner is not aware or doesn't care about it. See more details here. Windy cannot handle this, it just displays without any control the measures sent by these stations. You should maybe ask more the owner of the station (maybe alanhenry53@hotmail.com).
As a conclusion: one should always trust WMO stations against personal weather stations. -
@vsinceac Thank you so much for this explanation, from now on I'll just take their weather readings with a grain of salt. Maybe their weather readings are indoor ones after all.