CAMS SO2 Location
Check out the above link.
The SO2 seems to be centered over the ocean, whereas the dataset in nullschool (,62.02,1937/loc=-16.474,68.003) (separate data source, I know) and the CAMS data itself (,3,2021070403&projection=classical_global&layer_name=composition_so2_totalcolumn) seem to center it over the active eruption on the southeast coast of Iceland itself.
Is this a bug in the logic to place the data on the correct latitude/longitude?
You compare Windy SO2 layer at 18:00 UTC with Copernicus CAMS at 03:00 UTC.
If you look at Windy at 03:00 UTC the SO2 concentration field was then similar to that of Copernicus.So there is no bug.