Tiles not loading?
When working with some layers of ECMWF, like Cloud Base, it looks to me as if some tiles are not loading.
Is this part of the model data or a windy bug? Maybe a developer can comment.
Thank you very much in advance.
I guess you find tiles are not loading because of the grey colour? This part of the map is grey because where there are no clouds, there is no cloud base. -
Obviously it is very unlikely that there are "no clouds" next to a voxel of low cloud base.
I assume that it is either a renderer error, or (more likely) an artefact of the model output that clips all clouds that are < 50% coverage.
Either way, the usability of this data layer for VFR flight planning is very limited.
imo, for VFR firsty consult "low clouds". -
Low clouds are clouds in the 0-7000ft layer. If I use this for VFR go/no-go decisions, I will never go flying again.
:-) :-)