Climate crisis layer
Would it be possible for you to add a climate change layer that highlights or tracks climate change events?
@chrissurfski Hello, what kind of information would you like to see there? You may also check our Air quality layers or Hurricane tracker.
... and extreme forecast
… and Fire intensity / Active fires
I don't think the request for "climate change layer" would be related to current weather forecast models (i.e. data layers for fire, hurricane, air quality, extreme forecast or yet fires).
I think it is rather about anomalies of observerd or forecasted values related to climatological normals...
At this stage, climatological normals (generally computed over 30 years period), are not currently available on Windy (while they could and they should imho.). -
This is absolutely obvious, extreme meteorological events are not in a direct connection with climate crisis, but their frequency could be.
Concerning Extreme forecast, based on EFI from the ECMWF, it compares the forecast with the last 20 years reanalyse. So it is a quite pertinent index. -
Afaik. ECMWF EFI values are computed by comparing forecasted values to "climatological extreme" values (famous M-climate model - I avoid I don't know it), which are not the same as "climatological normals"...
I was thinking of anomalies or changes that are observed and can be presented on a global or continental level. For example, there have reports of four or five 'heat domes' in North America with extreme temperatures in on the west coast, which are related to the changing climate. As a layperson, the term is new to me, I have no insight into this phenomena and how to interpret it.
Other aspects which might be of included are ocean acidity, polar ice cover, desertification and (as someone said) extreme weather events.
Maybe it could be presented as an occasional information bubble with an explanation of what is happening and why?
*There were five hear domes around the world:
Journalists revel in these heat domes, but I'm not sure who started using the name. People feel to better understand what a heat dome is. In fact there is nothing new in this phenomenon.Meteorologists speak of ridges (which are the opposite of troughs) or high geopotential heights. These heights are estimated at the altitude of the 500 hPa (or mb) pressure level. The height of this pressure level varies to form ridges and troughs. They are moving eastward as described by Rossby waves system. But sometime the motion of these waves is blocked: The ridge can stands several days on the same area.
The frequency of this type of blocking and of the high ridges of hot air seem to increase with the climate crisis. Under the ridge, the air is sinking, compressed and heated, leading to severe drought with all consequences we know for people and nature.