Davis Weather Link
It sure would good if Windy could talk to Davis instruments and get there site added as one of the default uploads available on the wealtherlink.com site.
@zimsupport Hello, this post may help you - https://community.windy.com/topic/10924/davis-weatherlink-live?_=1615475260654
@korina has Davis Weatherlink live set up a direct share to Windy in the weatherlink software like for Weathercloud and Weather underground?
Thanks Andrea
@cozzia Hello, this article may help you - https://community.windy.com/topic/10924/davis-weatherlink-live?_=1631617424995
@korina Thank you but i cannot use it as i am not conversant with python or similar, I think Windy should make an export directly from Weatherlink Live software, are you working on it? regards Andrea
@cozzia Hello, in your case you will likely need additional software to be able to send data to us:
Softwares to consider:
Cumulus MX
WeeWx -
@korina I need to send data from a Davis Vantage Pro 2 station to access via windy. Could you let me know how I can do it? Thanks
@wandekokem Hello, you will need additional software as mentioned above.
@korina Ok Korina I will look into these additional pieces of software and hopefully make it work, althouhg I rellay think you should talk to Davis and arrange a direct upload link with them, they have it for weatherunderground already
@cozzia I looked and they are all softwares for purchase and actually not compatible, the only way is Windy to talk to Davis and allow a direct upload like for weatherunderground
@cozzia Hello, as I mentioned above, those are softwares compatible with Windy. But as you said, they have to be purchased.