Windy description of GFS
Windy describes the GFS as a “Basic model.” This is incorrect. The GFS calculates in a 13 km grid at 127 levels with a ceiling of about 80 km. Calculation of the physics is highly complex. Can I suggest that Windy re-phrases it’s comments.
It depends how you comprehend (understand) the word "basic".
Basic, comes from the ancient Greek word "βασικός" and is translated as
basic but also:
lead.At least for Greek speaking people (like me)
"basic" has a positive meaning ( fundamental, primary)
and not a negative meaning (basic salary, basic knowledge etc) -
That may well be, but as an English speaker, and the language being used is English, the appropriate meaning of “basic” is “forming an essential foundation or starting point.” As Windy has the ECMWF model as it’s default, the impression of the description on the Windy forecasts is that the GFS is somehow inferior, simple, limited. In fact, in several ways, the GFS gives a more useful service to me as a sailor than ECMWF.