Using foreign Webcams on the WINDY SITE
I produce webcams in the USA. I have cams in Colroado, Wyoming, Iowa, Upper Michigan, Wisconsin.
Over 100+ webcams produced.
The windy development has started using my webcams in their site.
They copy my server images off my server to their server to build the time-lapse.
They also catalog my cams.I spoke to them last year about it being a violation of the TERMS OF USE.
And at that time they had only ONE WEBCAM, but now I keep finding more and more.#1 Can't copy files off our COLORADOWEBCAM.NET Server.
#2 You need to provide CLEAR BACKLINKING to our site and there is Nothing.So.... I have no way to communicate with the developers so here I am.
I like the project but my development and webcams do not belong to WINDY.
This is the second time I have brought this to the developers attention.Place the CLEAR BACKLINKING to when using our webcam images on your site.
You are not allowed without permission to take camera images off our server. You need Permission.Great Project you have by the way, really well done.
Thomas - Owner Developer of
Looking deeper into the Webcam Programing in WINDY.
It looks like you to Collect the Data for the HOME SITE I found it under EDIT in the Camera Window.
But nowhere are you giving the HOME SITE, the Producer who pays for that Camera Credit or Backlink.
I would recommend you use that data to give the HOST a CLEAR BACKLINK to the Camera.
An advantage to you at that landing page is the live player for that webcam.
Hope you get the message.
@tdevito There is indeed a link to the "home site" on webcam pages - I am not sure if that's what you are looking for: