Is it a bug? (heavy thunderstorm without rain)
I noticed that today afternoon in many places in Greece
when in "rain, thunder" layer
shows heavy tstm without rain ammount!
even in 3hr period.
If I switch to 1 hr forecast, I still see tstm with no rain.
I know it maybe is related to this: still looks strange the "heavy thunderstorm" sign.
Please investigate it.
P.S. Here in Greece, with a long lasting heatwave
and massive wildfires burning for days
a heavy tstm would be a gift from heaven. -
I think I found the reason ...
Tstms icons show up
if lightning activity is forecast (no matter the rain amount)
But ... if I go to forecast for Wed 11 Aug /14:00
then I see lightning activity with sunny symbol !!!
Strange , isn't it? -
Hi @gkikas-lgpz, thank you for reporting this to us!
Our developers will investigate the issue. -
@petra-pik I too see this same thing , here in central Italy. Rain predicted every day at 14 but there is no rain just sun.