Waves on the land !
Waves layers and waves animation are shown at sea, beyond the coastline. But (sometime) the picker shows point forecast for waves over the land. As here in England:
And when zooming to level 10 the wave animation is displayed too in same area:
We can understand that the tiles of the model do not match precisely the coastline and the base map must hide them on the land. But that does not totally works.
Can this glitch be fixed?This has been pointed out by @btrimm
Hi @idefix37, this is not a bug. Due to technical reasons, we display these data on the land as well. The values are the same as on the shoreline.
Hmm…for technical reasons, OK but a bit weird, no ? -
Actually values provided in model grids cover squares of 25 km (or 50 km, etc), with NULL values when completely within land areas, while the land border curve intersects well the squares with not-null values...
Detecting that user selects a position on the land and returning NULL value even when the grid provides one for that cell, is of course technically doable with some extra-effort: it mainly requires a query to GIS server to detect if position is inside a land polygon (which is pretty hasardous at small map scales).
But finally who really cares about inland waves of 0.3m, 20 km far away from the sea border? (:oj)---
@idefix37 right now, if we got rid of the values on the land, data for inland water areas wouldn't be available at all.