Feature request: Alerts for forecast lightning/CAPE
It would be great if we could set up an alert for when forecast lightning flash density or CAPE exceeds a certain value of our choosing at a location.
I’d imagine it wouldn’t take too much time to add this capability since it would just be using the same technique as the existing alerts we already use for other parameters such as wind speed, temperature, etc…. except it would just sample the gridpoint value of forecast lightning flash density or CAPE.
Even better would be if such an alert could be triggered when a combination of both lightning (or CAPE) and 500hpa wind speeds (a proxy for shear) exceeds a certain threshold. This could provide a useful heads up on the potential for severe thunderstorms.
@ken Hello, thank you for suggesting this, we will consider it.
@korina thanks very much Korina :) I'm thinking maybe that could also be extended to cover fog for example, since it's a major issue in aviation without much extra coding work required since it would simply use the existing code for things like rainfall and wind alerts.
Daily max temps below a user-adjustable value would also be useful although perhaps the latter might be more complex considering the different timezones.
@korina oh and sorry, one more suggestion before I forget. Not sure if this deserves a separate thread but it would also be extremely useful if there was an optional setting where alerts extend out to 7 or 10 days.
I know accuracy is lower at that type of range but if it was available as an option that could be turned on or off by premium or more advanced users (while keeping the default alerts to 5 days unless the user forces a change) and adding a disclaimer that skill will be lower, I think it would be a great addition.