Wrong position of Ida
Windy is not showing correct position or wind speeds for Ida.
Windy shows weather models forecasts. So it is not real-time positioning of the Hurricane. If you want to get it precisely, please refer to the Radar and / or the Satellite infra+ layers.
Concerning the wind speeds, it is well known that global or regional models are not good at predicting the 1-minute sustained winds which are considered in Saffir-Simpson scale used for tropical phenomena. This is the reason why the NHC take into account flight recon, Dvorak analyse and specialised weather models. So even if Windy shows a good estimation of the hurricane path, you must rely on NHC advisories in any case. -
Ida position on model forecasts (middle and right side screenshots), here NAM (computed by NOAA, not by Windy), is pretty close to real time observations (left side screenshot)