Wind Arrows
Hello, I am a regatta sailor and would like to have the option to display wind arrows instead of the animation. The animation looks quite nice but is not ideal for serious weather interpretations. Would make me and I think many others very happy. Best regards from Baltic Sea coast.
Wind arrows commonly called wind barbs have not been the choice of Windy developers. Wind barbs are a graphical way to show both the direction and speed of wind. They were specially useful when weather maps were black printed maps, but windbarbs are still used nowadays even with numerical maps.
Wind barbs show the wind direction as wind particles do in Windy.
Concerning the wind speed, wind barbs give a 5kt speed span and are usually displayed at grid points of the weather model, for example with a 22km distance for GFS, 9km for the ECMWF model…
With interpolated speed, Windy brings more speed details as displayed by the weather picker. Interpolating wind speed with barbs is possible but surely not easy.
We must admit that the colour scale of wind speed is not very precise. This is reason why I have customised on my side the speed scale and calibrated it in Beaufort units.
At a glance I know the direction and the wind force.
You can in the same way customise the color scale to get a 5kt steps color scale. -
@idefix37 Kind of sucks. I find the animation to be less useful. This isn't instagram, wed don't need "pretty" we need functional. Nothing stopping you from adding windbarbs in addition to the stupid animation and nothing stopping you from adding extra windbarbs with interpolation. Too bad the windy developers are all teenagers that can't decipher scientific symbols and instead need pretty colors.
You know, I have been using wind barbs for so long and still use them. I'm not advocating the design choice of Windy for showing direction and speed of wind, but I'm just trying to get the most and the best out of it.
@boatcoder Hello, we are sorry that you feel that our approach is "stupid" and I would like to warn you that swearing is not allowed on this forum.
I can assure you that our team is not full of teenagers. Please next time use more mature way of expressing your opinion.
@idefix37 If you are based in Europe, you have many sites using wind barbs. This one for example :
Don’t worry I know many websites showing wind barbs. I prefer Windy for many other reasons than the wind animation. Having customised the wind colour scale, wind barbs are absolutely not a crucial need for me. I guess for you too otherwise you would not use Windy. -
@idefix37 Not crucial but I'm used to it as I've done in the past lots of software stuff for forecasters. It is true that wind wind bars no need for color scale beside. All is there. All the best
I checked the site you provided but I'm not satisfied.
Check the following map
.... the wind speed in location (A) is:
15 kts (wind barbs) or more than 28 kts (orange color) ?
Wind barbs in green, yellow and orange coloured areas
show all the same 15kts. -
@gkikas-lgpz Hello !
On "MY MAPS" window, try to deploy the Wind layer and adjust the parameter - Palette is automatic and changes according to the zoom level
However, we all agree Windy is the best and fastest display and we all wait AROME charts to be resumed ! All the best