Missing feature - weather radar ruler
Hello friends!
Is it possible to add a ruler showing distance and direction on a separate label to weather radar display! At the moment I'm estimating the speed of a rain shower using my thumb. I bet the digital ruler would be more accurate.
Sami K -
To get distance and direction on Radar layer, use Distance & planning tool (right click on mouse or long press on screen with the app)
Distance and Planning tool doesn't act while playing animations on data layers.
I guess the user would like a much simpler ruler tool control, directly available on map at any moment, for any static or animated data layer.
Something like this Leaflet demo.
I think such a simple ruler tool would be useful in all cases, for many different uses (in addition to the Distance and Planning tool). -
I totally agree!
Especially a tool like "distance and planning tool"
where I could click in a storm (echo) on radar image (let say 1/2 hr old)
and after then on the same storm (latest image).
From the timestamp of those two images
the tool could calculate direction and speed of movement.
Developers, think about it! -