Paises catalanes no existen, es España
Hay localidades como Barcelona que constan como países catalanes, esto es un despropósito, no existen los países catalanes, estas localidades pertenecen a España.
Un saludo
@car-l-t Hello, please see the related post -
Thank you for the changes you have done in the geographical and administrative references to the names in all Barcelona and Girona towns that were under the non-existing Países Catalanes. However the administrative department indicated now in your app in all theses places are still really odd, due to the fact that they are located in “Catalá com a llengua propia a Catalunya”, which is a very strange way of placing a geographical spot for a weather forecasting tool.
Now, I let French people make the consideration if Perpiñan belongs to Cataluña del Norte, France, (again a non-existing department in that country as is strangely indicated in your app), instead of the truly existing Pyrénées-Orientales, France.
@isa-corti Hello, thank you for feedback. Our map supplier is, therefore map issues should be addressed to them directly, since we do not have a direct control over the map.
I see that the references are correct in openstreetón#map=11/39.8895/4.2662ñan#map=10/42.6991/2.9046
@isa-corti Changes on OSM do not appear on Windy immediately, they will be implemented with the next map update.