/list?show=regions returns empty regions array
Hello, I am trying to access the list of all regions, in the docs it says use "/list?show=regions" endpoint to retrieve a list of all available regions. I get this response:
{ "status": "OK", "result": { "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "total": 53825, "regions": [] } }
Is there some kind of error in the system or am I doing something wrong?
@lukoss Hello, did you insert the code for the region?
@korina hello, thanks for reply. What code do you mean? I get this response when I am trying to make a request from postman app. I type in this url - https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list?show=regions (api key is in headers). For example https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list?show=countries works like this (i get and array inside countries of all the available countries):
{ "status": "OK", "result": { "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "total": 53838, "countries": [ { "id": "CH", "name": "Switzerland", "count": 1510 }, { "id": "DE", "name": "Germany", "count": 3200 },.... and the list goes on
and for https://api.windy.com/api/webcams/v2/list?show=regions, all I get is "regions": [], with empty array. I want to get an array with all of the available regions. In the docs it says that this should work.
@lukoss Hello, it seems as a bug, our developers will try to fix it as soon as they can. Thank you for report.