SO2 has either wrong scale or wrong units
Hi, I have respiratory disease so I am very interested in this kind of monitoring especially because of the volcanic events recently. And when I opened up the map I was shocked and scared as it shows the worse color of SO2 concentration all over where I live and I had my windows open through the night.
I was surprised that we didn't get notified by government etc. but when I looked more into it I found that this is mg/m2, not mg/m3 which is really strange unit to use when it comes to air quality (and I assume this layer is for air quality as it is in that category).
When I looked up the formulas and actual SO2 pollution here, I found that it is a mere ~0,5microg/m3 which is waaay bellow even the lowest level of air pollution.
Why does it then have the worst color on the map? When it actually gets to the dangerous levels it will just have the same color as very mild increase.I think the scale:
was made based on this table:
but it is just completely off the charts. It is in correct numbers if it was actually mg/m3 but since it is mg/m2 the coloring is just completely wrong and the whole scale is bellow 1 ppm.I am just very confused what is this Air Pollution layer even for. It got me real scared nearly so I called myself an ambulance for nothing. Since I need to really be careful about the air pollution because of my condition.
As shown on screenshot (popup info raised on UI by "i" control for currently selected data layer), the values are by "square meters from the ground up to the top of the atmosphère"; so nothing to do with general standard limits (generally in units "by cubic meter").
@vsinceac Yes, I understand that but in that case the scale is completely wrong and it has nothing to do with Air Quality. And it is in the Air Quality category.
@alialun Hello, this is forecast for SO2 emissions. If you want to have a look at current values, you can use our Air Quality stations that report measured values.