Windy not working as before.
Windy, wich I upgrade for Premium recently,
is totally out of control! Ex. Rain&Tunder just
shows a dull grey shadow with the wind waves.
All other items either not respond or are
useless. This happened almost simultaneous
with the Premium upgrade. -
If I download a new Android version to my
MacPro do I lose my Premium upgrade?
@filipe-mayer Hello, could you please upload a screenshot or post a link to a video showing the error? I do not see any issue with Rain, Thunder layer.
Windy Premium is linked to your Windy account. Just login with the same account in the Android app and you will have Premium access.
@Korina, I just posted a video showing what is seen
as Rain and Tunder on my Windy screen.
Badly need help...please!
Filipe Mayer -
@filipe-mayer Hello, where did you please post the video? I cannot see it.
@korina, click on my profile and you will see a small video of RAIN &TUNDER, of last Nov.11,
wich shows clearly the mess that's going on.
I don't know the way to solve this mess! -
@korina, you may click in my Profile under
Home/Your Feedback and Suggestions and see
the mess that's going on the Rain&Thunder.
For all the others the same mess. -
@filipe-mayer Hello, where does this issue occur, is it in the app or on desktop? It could also be connected to your browser. What type of browser and its version do you use?
@korina, thanks for your help.
- Problem in DESKTOP, using Mac Pro OS X
2)BROWSER- Chrome/95.0.4638.69
- Problem in DESKTOP, using Mac Pro OS X
@filipe-mayer I would recommend to reinstall the browser or clear your browser cache.
@korina, follow your recommendation:
- Reinstalled the browser, clear cache and...
Chrome was upgraded to its last version. - Rain and thunder remained runing wildly and
tottaly useless. - Need further advise.
- Reinstalled the browser, clear cache and...
@filipe-mayer Hello, and all of the other layers work properly?
@filipe-mayer, Hello Korina.
Two different situations:- If I start Windy by Wind&Thunder all the
following layers do not work! - If I start by the end layers, say Dust Mass,
and go up, all the layers work properly until
I reach the vicinity of Rain&Thunder...and then "alles kaput"...
That's the way its working.
- If I start Windy by Wind&Thunder all the
@filipe-mayer, Hello Korina.
Two different situations:If I start Windy by Wind&Thunder all the
following layers do not work!
If I start by the end layers, say Dust Mass,
and go up, all the layers work properly until
I reach the vicinity of Rain&Thunder...and then "alles kaput"...
That's the way its working. -
@korina If I start Windy by Wind&Thunder all the
following layers do not work!
If I start by the end layers, say Dust Mass,
and go up, all the layers work properly until
I reach the vicinity of Rain&Thunder...and then "alles kaput"...
That's the way its working. -
@korina, please click in my profile to read the answer to your querry. Many thanks!
@filipe-mayer Have you tried other browsers as well please?
Also could you record a better video showing the layer issue? -
@korina, tried Safari with the same result. Wind&Thunder does not work and disrupts the layers
A lousy video is on file, under my name, in Your animations.Thanks for your help!