Windy launches high-resolution forecast model ICON-D2 (2.2km)
Congratulations! Good work.
Implement the same for Asia-Pacific region.
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory -
More disaster is happening in Asia - Pacific region.
It is a good suggestion.
All the best!Dr.Ebe
The domain of ICON-D2 developed by the German center DWD, is Central Europe as shown above. Windy just visualises the model data provided by this weather center and therefore cannot extend it to other areas.
The only possibility to see a high-resolution model for Asia-Pacific region is to find a suitable one developed by a weather center. Do you know any model that would fit your needs? -
Great news! Do you think a high-res model will ever be developed for the Rocky Mountain region of N. America?
Do you plan to use ICON-D2 data to forecast 'Clouds base', 'Cloud tops', 'Thunderstorms' and 'Visibility'? These are the ones that pose the most interest for pilots :)
@igor-320 Hello, these parameters are included in the ICON-D2 data set, so we cannot display them.
@ibender70 Same request from me. Would love to set ICON-D2 default both in browser and in app.
@arneb This doesn't help with the app though. There it always default back to ECWMF.
@unic0der Hi, we know this is feature with high user demand, we will consider it.
@mhaberler nice to know. Arome was also usefull
@ghurbain Hi, AROME model has data outage, it will be available again in February. More information here -
@korina @ivo
Thanks for adding this model. It's really accurate and well worth it!
As @iBender70 already stated... it is kind of ridiculous to change the model each time I open my Android app (yes I am logged in), that's primo.
Last but not least... Over 2 months have passed and the android application still doesn't get to show the ICON-D2 model data... why? -
@ankhazam Hello, the new model ICON-D2 will be available with the upcoming release we are currently testing. It will be released very soon.
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