Region (county, City, region, State, union territory, country, association of countries, Continent's, Planet, district
Please include a feature to provide Summary wise consolidation of rain or precipitation or snow in a given a region and monsoon wise or in total for a given time period (annual) prediction and actuals.
For example North East monsoon rains in Tamil Nadu in totality for the that entire State during an year against another State or others regions that receives North East monsoon.
We need a feature to query the data using a weather query language that allows us to query present, historical, statistically analysis, ai, region wise, monsoon or weather wise globally with a ANSI SQL query like syntax, weather in general refers to wind, temperature, rain, snow, tornado 🌪️ and so on...
For example
Select rainfall in TaminNadu during North East monsoon for the year 2021 in comparison with other regions that receives rainfall during North East monsoon.
I don't think Windy could provide such an aggregate results (or at least not yet); this kind of products are only generated by National Climatological Centers (see IMD web site for your region).
Windy has a REST API (see here for details), which doesn't use SQL queries and doesn't provide more than one can get via UI (no historical data anyway). -
@karthikeyank Hello, as mentioned by @vsinceac, this is not something we specialize in.