Pas de la Casa is not in Países Catalanes
We are looking Pas de la Casa and I have observed that it is located in Paises catalanes, Andorra.
It is not correct because Andorra is a independent country and Países Catalanes is not a country.
It’s more, países catalanes doesn’t exit. It is neither a country nor a region.
It is a part of Spain, that is another country.Pas de la Casa is part of Andorra.
Thank you very much.
See also this related post; actually, "Paises Catalanes" is not considered as a country, but as a cultural region sharing the same spoken language independently from countries borders (see here). Entering the full name "El Pas de la Casa" returns well 1st result in Andorra.
For more details, see the Catalan Countries entity handled by OpenStreetMap (Windy uses this data for base map layers):