Wind Pattern Anomalous Aberration
I have been noticing that the wind pattern changes dramatically when I zoom in or out of certain areas on the map. for example: this link is to a view point that I normally would like to use:,-96.391,12
viewed at that zoom factor on 23 November 2021 at 11:00 am Central time, it shows a wind patter that is blowing northerly on the top two thirds of the map, but it also shows a wind pattern that is blowing to the west on the bottom third of the map. until you change the zoom factor or change the center point. Zooming out changes the entire map to show a northerly flowing wind. and if you slightly change the center point of the map you can get the wind patter to show that it is all blowing north again. what is causing this disparity? -
@jtoppa Hello, I do not see any difference. Would you please upload a screenshots showing the difference?