Flight Planner Load Flightplan (GPX, FPL) Issues
Hi - Flight Planner is really a fantastic plugin and I do enjoy particulary the "alert" feature which is quite unique.
However, I have tried to upload some compatible formats such as GPX, FPL (exported from AUTOROUTER) with flight path information but the plugin does not accept the files. There is no error message at all. The flight plan is just not updating with the waypoints. FYI: GPX Files are accepted in the WINDY ROUTE PLANNER.
Tried this on CHROME, EDGE and SAFARI.
Thanks for supporting this.
Regards, Martin
@msauerschnig Hello, this is a question for the plugin developer @rittels.
@msauerschnig gpx should work
Will check out autorouter files.
@rittels Hi, thanks for checking. What seems to be strange, if I create a route in Flight Planner, then export it as GPX and try to load the same GPX file thereafter (after I have deleted the plan) nothing happens. Is there anything else that I could check on my browser / setup ?
That should work.
It works when I test it. Does anything appear in the console. ( F12 )
Hi, it seems it is related to the Autorouter GPX files. Have checked it now with FL95 exported GPX files, GPX files from my Garmin Watch as well es greated flight plans with FP and exported/reimported them. They work well.
After the upload of Autorouter Files nothing happens. Error Console remains empty.Thanks !
Hi. Try now. It should work. The problem was that the first node of the gpx of autorouter is a comment, which was not filtered out.
@rittels Thank you very much. Works well. Great job and very nice plugin. No commercial EFB tool was able to provide this range of features.