Tide forecast not listed in More Layers
I've searched all over and cannot find the Tide Forecast layer.... someone please help me!
Click More layers here
It's not available on "More Layers"
I click
i don't see it.
Same on the android app
I found it!
it's a little confusing its not a layer but "Display On Map" item, but it makes sense if the data is discretized to the locations where we have tide forecast measurements.
I wish it would show the tide level on the bottom page display so i can
As is the page for tide forecasts is horrible. It shows high and low tides and the time, but it's awful to read. It doesnt even say the day on each tide.
Can i request a feature to add the tide level to the bottom page display either under the "Waves" or "Basic" display? I see it already shows a graph of the tide over the Hours/ Weather symbol/Temperature graph but a marker indicating the time of high and low tide and the level would be amazing and much more intuitive.
adding image of what i mean
The tide level is clearly shown, but its only a graph without an axes.
If there was a little bar underneath this that had a marker of the time and level of each high/low tide it would be super useful!
Thanks! I didn't realize that.
I found the tide forecast but the UI for it is pretty bad... It's just a list of High Tide - Low Tide and times. And it doesnt even say the dates for tides that forecasted tomorrow or beyond
The Mobile UI is like this as well....
It gives me the info I need but if it were presented as a graph similar to the temperature and dew point graph that would be a lot better as I could easily go through different days and visual when the high tide occurs at different points in the day.
Is there any ongoing work to improve the visualization of the tide forecast?
Alsi what is the first number exactly in this tide forecast XXX at TIME? what is XXX? It's clearly not the tide height so idk what it is.
Windy.app has basically the UI i'm looking for
I don't really understand why Windy.com doesn't have this
@taako Hello, Tide overlay is still in Beta. We will make changes once there is enough feedback from users and Tide forecast in on the priority list.