South of 85° South problems
I have problem using Windy for polar expeditions when south of 85° south
• The map does not genetated for the 5 last degrees
• The algoritme does not corelate timezone and waypoint. on entering for example -87.000 -82.000 windy seem to show time 12 ahead of realI can not recall that this has happend to me before.
How do I deal with it?- just knock of 12 hours?
- Can I stilltrust / use te generated weather info?
‘The map does not generated for the 5 last degrees’
I guess you use the mobile app if your polar expedition is far beyond 85°S. With the mobile app, you have only the map using the Mercator projection available and this type of projection cannot show high latitude regions. On Windy website, the 3D rendering offers almost total coverage of the polar regions.Concerning time, near Longitude -90° (90°W), as shown with this screenshot, the local time is UTC-6h. It seems to be correct ?
Could you tell us which device you are using during these expeditions and how you get the internet connection via satellite?
I idefix37 referenced this topic on