Watch complication
The watch complication is pretty much useless as it is now. It says “Windy”. That’s it — doesn’t add any information to the watch face.
I’m currently using My Radar in that complication spot. It can be configured to display temp or any of a number of pieces of info. Tap on the complication and it brings up weather radar.
I really like the radar display in Windy, and I love that it can show data from my personal weather station. Please consider giving the watch complication a little more thought.
@bullcreek52 Hello, we already offer our own Windy Watch Face with custom compilations. The new Face can be added directly from the watch or from Watch app on your phone. Please also note that complications that we use are available for Apple watch 4 and above.
Hi, Korina, I have the Windy premium app and the Windy watch face on my Apple Watch Ultra. Will it be possible to add premium data to the watch? I mean hourly forecast instead of three hour forecast etc. Thanks
@Jaroslav-Košťál Hello, yes, we do plan to add hourly forecast to the Windy Watch faces too.
@Korina Hi Korina, can you please tell us when approximately should be the hourly forecast available? Thank you.
@Brancis It's in the timeframe of a couple of months.