500mb Heights with Satellite Overlay
Dear Windy,
I understand how to display 500mb height contours or how to display surface pressure contours with satellite overlay, but I have not discovered how to display 500mb height contours with a satellite overlay, which has tremendous application for explaining synoptic weather patterns. Can this be done in Windy ?
@wxgeek To my knowledge this cannot be done because, atleast to my knowledge, the contours for both GP Height and MSLP are based on model data and not real observations. This is probably why you haven't been able to do this, as the satellite images you get are real time (with some delay of course).
So it was probably thought that while yes it is useful to look at 500mb contours for synoptic patterns. Overlaying real time observations (i.e. from a sat) might not be entirely helpful. The reason why it wouldn't be as helpful (in my opinion) is because you would only get a single timestep of model data, meanwhile satellite images are done every 10mins.
Good question though, but I think Windy is mainly for viewing model data. Not for doing real-time analysis/prognosis.
In fact it is possible to show the pressure asl contours in the satellite view. Of course the satellite view is observation and the isobars are from model forecast (To get them synchronised take care to have the time slider set on current time in your previous map layer i.e. Wind or Temperature or whatever…).@wxgeek
Concerning the 500 hPa heights, it is possible to display Geopotential heights too, but as the altitude slider is not active in the Satellite view, they are shown near sea level which is useless. -
Even though only the current and past few hours of 500mb heights could be displayed on the satellite loop, it gives much better representation of the synoptic scale picture. Overlayed on a satellite loop, this allows a better understanding of current weather for the general public and those receiving a weather briefing that may not have a meteorology background. If can display surface pressure over a image, then certainly a 500mb pressure overlay is possible as well.
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