Australia Radar is not loading again.
The Australian rain radar is down yet again. Can we have it fixed properly? In the two years I have been paying it goes off regularly. Its less than two weeks ago last time and it was down for days. There must be something you can do as other free sites still have access but Windy keeps losing access. Clearly you have had enough time and reports to do something but choose not to for some reason. I will bear that in mind before renewing my subscription unless you can provide an explanation and a timeline for a reliable fix.
@ianspencer Hello, the AU radar is functional again, we working on making the service stable. We are again sorry for the complications.
Furthermore, Weather radar is not a part of Premium features.
I understand its not a part of the premium features but its the app I am invested in so far and its the whole package working when I need it that makes it worth paying for. If a free feature you use a lot goes then it is still less attractive to support a product that doesn't work with one of the three main features regularly broken.
@ianspencer Hello, I have replied you in your latest post. Also please do not duplicate posts about the same topic, it has no added value. Keep the discussion in the original topic to avoid confusion.