Distance and planning error when crossing 180deg Longitude
When using "Distance and planning" and the constructed track crosses 180deg longitude, the target disappears. It re-appears in the original hemisphere when one moves the time back. It also does not recognise the second and later waypoints in the new hemisphere when constructing the course.Thanks for a great app.
Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 5
Radeon Graphics© OpenStreetMap contributors
Dev console
Last errors occured inside Windy app. If present, these can help us to identify the issue and fix it quickly. Please note, that some issues do not cause any problems and some issues are not fixable.[ Delete error messages ]
Error no: 1{
"timestamp": 1647679178433,
"runningMs": 232646,
"type": "error",
"msg": "Error: Event target is not instance of HTMLElement",
"line": 6,
"col": 156126,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/distance/boat/-19.10,-169.94;-36.17,175.25?gust,2022032203,-29.267,-177.803,4,i:pressure",
"script": "index.js",
"ver": "35.2.3",
"target": "index",
"stack": "onevent@https://www.windy.com/v/35.2.3.ind.fe81/index.js:6:156126
"deviceID": "d55b4088-3990-c1ac-410c-6661a91f7af3",
"error": " {
"fileName": "https://www.windy.com/v/35.2.3.ind.fe81/index.js",
"lineNumber": 6,
"columnNumber": 156126,
"message": "Event target is not instance of HTMLElement"
"isOnline": true,
"scriptLine": "indexjs-6",
"latestBcast": "render: toggleSeaMask (3544ms ago at 1647679174889)
render: rendered tileLayer (3544ms ago at 1647679174889)
bcast: redrawFinished (3330ms ago at 1647679175103)
rplanner: waypoints (0ms ago at 1647679178433)
store: rplannerTsEnd (0ms ago at 1647679178433)",
"sessionCounter": 29,
"sessionName": "za-29",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1366x768",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "error-event-target-is-not-instance-of-htmlelement"
}Error no: 2
"timestamp": 1647679280258,
"runningMs": 334471,
"type": "error",
"msg": "Error: Event target is not instance of HTMLElement",
"line": 6,
"col": 156126,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/distance/boat/-19.10,-169.94;-22.51,-179.38;-36.17,175.25?gust,2022032215,-37.962,-178.857,4,i:pressure",
"script": "index.js",
"ver": "35.2.3",
"target": "index",
"stack": "onevent@https://www.windy.com/v/35.2.3.ind.fe81/index.js:6:156126
"deviceID": "d55b4088-3990-c1ac-410c-6661a91f7af3",
"error": " {
"fileName": "https://www.windy.com/v/35.2.3.ind.fe81/index.js",
"lineNumber": 6,
"columnNumber": 156126,
"message": "Event target is not instance of HTMLElement"
"isOnline": true,
"scriptLine": "indexjs-6",
"latestBcast": "render: rendered tileLayer (6598ms ago at 1647679273660)
render: rendered particles (6597ms ago at 1647679273661)
bcast: redrawFinished (6392ms ago at 1647679273866)
rplanner: waypoints (0ms ago at 1647679280258)
store: rplannerTsEnd (0ms ago at 1647679280258)",
"sessionCounter": 29,
"sessionName": "za-29",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1366x768",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "error-event-target-is-not-instance-of-htmlelement"
}About this version
Target: index.html Version: 35.2.3 Built: 2022-03-18, 13:20 Your browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0 WebGL particles: running
How to report an issue
More info we will have, faster the time we can fix the errorTry different browsers, disable browser extensions, upgrade to the latest version of browser Windy runs best on Safari, Chrome or Firefox (latest version) Investigate the bug in detail Make screenshot of broken Windy app if aplicable (resize image to make file smaller please) Report issue here, into this forum together with copy of errors above and screenshot