radiation monitoring in the USA?
I like the new radiation monitoring but there don't seem to be any reporting stations in the USA. Are they on a different network that you don't have access to?
@jbclem Hello, we currently display radiation monitoring data only for Europe. We may add more sources for other parts of the world in the future.
@korina can you tell us where the data for the radiation layer is coming from? The map is showing elevated readings at Chernobyl in Ukraine, but I can’t find any press reporting on it.
@ahem-again The source they use is SaveEcoBot. It doesn't look to me like there is any recent change ( click on the radiation number and it will pop up a panel showing history. The elevated 5000 nSv/h reading looks like it is in the area of the reactor 4 sarcophagus: https://www.chernobylmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/PRIPYAT_SARCOPHAGUS_CMCC.pdf
@insurgent @aHEM-again Hello, the sources are displayed in the each radiation station detail. But as @insurgent mentioned, SaveEcoBot is our main source in Ukraine. Higher values directly at the Chernobyl power plant are completely normal, they have been for years.
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