Android app hangs when selecting 1 hour forecast
Just started now. App will hang when selecting one hour forecast in Wind option. error console shows errors. Unable to copy entire error message,
"timestamp": 1649312124813,
"runningMs": 303338,
"type": "user",
"module": "windDisplay",
"msg": "Loading/rendering models",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "http://localhost/#/31.787/-106.581/wind?2022040706,31.746,-106.581,12,i:pressure",
"script": null,
"ver": "34.3.2",
"target": "mobile",
"stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'segments')
at Object.weatherData (http://localhost/v/34.3.2.mob.c14d/mobile.js:6:225334)
at Object.init (http://localhost/v/34.3.2.mob.c14d/plugins/detail-render.js:1:17171)
at me (http://localhost/v/34.3.2.mob.c14d/plugins/detail.js:1:5980)
at he (http://localhost/v/34.3.2.mob.c14d/plugins/detail.js:1:6921)",
"deviceID": "92730aa6-7113-246d-e893-95d7c6685944",
"error": " {
"stack": " -
@stevecrye Hello, we are currently working on fixing this issue, thank you for report! It should be fixed within a few minutes.