Wind display is terrible if the satellite imagery is on
The purple indicators for wind over a blue ocean are all but impossible to see. Why we can't have arrows that are clearly visible seems like a serious design bug.
You don't like grib arrows with tails because that is too old timey, but at least we could see them on the screen. I'm setting my subscription to not renew, you have until then to fix this and convince me to stay.
I'm figuring getting the forecast more accurate is probably beyond your control and not have grib arrows is your way to try and paper over this problem but it isn't working because you forgot that contrast is needed to be able to see your stupid little breeze symbols.
Hello @boatcoder, we will take your feedback into account.
The forecast isn't created by us but is provided by multiple meteorological centres. -
The resolution of the ECMWF model is about 9 km, or about 5 NM. This is the distance between grid points at which the model provides GRIB files. Between grid points, values are interpolated and smoothed.
Composite image showing the wind speed provided at theoretical grid points by the model with 4.7 NM between the grid points.So there is no benefit to zooming in to see the detail of the base map and get the wind animation in purple (with or without the satellite view in the background): You get more detail from the base map but absolutely not the wind map !
In addition, the wind barbs, that you call GRIB arrows, only display the wind speed with a 5kt accuracy. Therefore you would not get more precision in this way to show wind speed.
And at a higher zoom level you would only have those 4 wind barbs again.