Rain Radar Only and Rain Future Cast
I’m NOT a premium subscriber yet. I currently have FOUR other weather apps.
I ride a motorcycle and trying to find an weather app that shows / predicts RAIN for like next 24 to 36 hrs is a pain. I’m trying to figure out IF the Windy app can do that ?
I see a future cast of a few days ahead but I can’t figure out how to only show future rain on the map. -
@workharddieproud Hello, besides the detailed forecast view, you can also use Rain,Thunder layer or Rain accumulation layer.
@korina Thank you for your reply.
What I was getting at is, I don’t want to pay for another weather app IF it don’t do what I need it to. I can’t figure out how to get Rain Only on the radar map. Can the background be changed to a traditional background?
All the colors on mine are blending in.
Sorry for the stupid questions. -
Could you show a screenshot. That would help understanding what you mean. -
I’m trying to upload one now but it says error as the upload bar moves across and then stays on 11 percent. I’ll try again later this evening. -
Try to use a lighter file, less than 1MB -
That one pic is from another weather app.
It’s a light back ground and shows rain on the radar but it’s a future rain cast.
I don’t care at all about buying another weather app but I really want to get rid of my current ones and only have ONE good one.
Having four right now is a hassle. Having longer term prediction of rain “Like On Tv” from the local tv stations show is what I’m
looking for. -
This app provides what they call ‘future radar’, but it’s probably more or less the last image of the radar loop which is shown moving in the same direction during 1 or 2 hours. It is not a real rain forecast, just a sort of extrapolation. In case of convective rain or in mountainous area, it will be definitively wrong. Could we know which app shows this type of screen?
However there are high resolution weather models used for what meteorologists call ‘now-casting’ providing radar-like images. To be efficient these models need a very high resolution and are available on a limited area. I don’t know if this kind of now casting is available in your country as free data. -
At least in USA you should use the HRRR model with a 3km resolution. This model is quite accurate with one hour refresh based on last radar data. But it is not shown with the radar-like colors Try to use it.BTW Premium users can set this page as starting page when opening Windy.