Indian Point, Burlington
Indian Point, Burlington, Ontario is not a real place. At least not anymore. Just call it Burlington, Ontario.
"timestamp": 1651557937576,
"runningMs": 170134,
"type": "error",
"msg": "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'this.getTexMan().textureFromUrl')",
"line": 1,
"col": 495,
"url": "capacitor://localhost#/?satellite,2022050818,41.007,1.573,6",
"script": "satellite.js",
"ver": "35.3.1",
"target": "mobile",
"stack": "M@capacitor://localhost/v/35.3.1.mob.01d1/plugins/satellite.js:1:495
forEach@[native code]
@[native code]
"deviceID": "f1881079-4e0a-da84-eb3f-28b6a0e63879",
"error": " {
"message": "null is not an object (evaluating 'this.getTexMan().textureFromUrl')",
"line": 1,
"column": 495,
"sourceURL": "capacitor://localhost/v/35.3.1.mob.01d1/plugins/satellite.js",
"stack": "M@capacitor://localhost/v/35.3.1.mob.01d1/plugins/satellite.js:1:495
forEach@[native code]
@[native code]
"isOnline": true,
"scriptLine": "satellite-1",
"latestBcast": "bcast: paramsChanged (159ms ago at 1651557937417)
bcast: maps-paramsChanged (159ms ago at 1651557937417)
store: isolines pressure (155ms ago at 1651557937421)
satellite: close (154ms ago at 1651557937422)
bcast: updateBasemap (131ms ago at 1651557937445)",
"sessionCounter": 137,
"sessionName": "es-137",
"lang": "en",
"size": "375x667",
"platform": "ios",
"errorID": "typeerror-null-is-not-an-object-evaluating-thisgettexman"
} -
@petemason99 @jasons47 Hello, please report map errors directly to, it is out map provider.
@korina I looked at your map provider. That place called Indian Point may exist as a historical place name. The question is why is it used as the label for my local weather forecast on Windy? How did it get picked by the Windy algo?
@korina I guess it uses something like a district level to pick local names from?
@jasons47 The area is marked as Indian Point also on Google maps -,-79.817047,15.14z
@korina Yep. I get it now. It uses hyper local district names 👍