Please change color scale on Thermals
The way you have thermal strength indicated is orange-red-dark red. It's very hard to see if the thermals are ok, good or excellent.
Here is a Windy example. The thermals seem like they should be good over a large area (lots of red)
Compare that to a Skysight example at the same time and place. It's easy to see that the thermals might be good over only about 1% of the area.
The Skysignt color scale is much much more informative.
P.S. it was impossible to upload or paste images here.
You ask for changing color scale on Thermals, but YOU can do it.
Go to Settings > Customize color scale > Select overlay > ThermalsSee this article. It may help you.
I changed the colors, and it is much better that way. A great possibility.
A side effect is that thunderstorms are much more visible. -
Excellent ! You get it.