change wind strength color settings
e.g. for my sports i would like to have it blue from 5 to 12 km/h, 13 to 25 green 26 to 35 orange higher than 36 red just to make an example
@mista-fly Hello, you can change the color scheme only on the map, not the detailed forecast.
thank you corina, idefix already told me the same.
i did not want to believe it because to me this makes no sense at all.
i explained it already in my post above...
but in a nutshell again...
different kind of sports need different strenght of wind so with paragliding e.g. anything above 30 kmh should be red.
if you go surfing or kiting you easily could add 20.hopefully this is changed in any futher upgrade of the app.
i know a lot of para dudes who would highly appreciate that option to personalize these colors too.
one more question on this topic...
is there a ,wish list' for further improvement of the app?
i would like to put this on the regards
mista -
You may answer the recent survey:
There is a wish list included.
BTW you have not shown a screenshot of wind layer with your customized colors. I'd like to see it. -
hello there!
after a few updates and some new wind models i am still curious if this will be possible one day?
any updates on this topic?
maybe some betatester insiders?cheers
mista -
just wanted to bring my number one wish for windy up again, for paragliding the given colors are totally useless, please give us the chance to change this.
e.g. burnair colors are much more detailed and finer.... -
You already posted many messages about the question of colors, mainly, if I correctly understand, for wind speed in the meteograms.
I don’t think your color scale is so different from the scale used by Windy.Rough gradation of Windy color scale in meteogram compared to the the color scale in the map
thank u idefix, u answered me before, and i already wrote that i dont mean the colour pattetn u mean but the ones in the alert fields see pic...!
also see post from 11.07.22
you described it quite well by yourself, but for paragliding the given color scheme is quite useless -
i mean the wind layer in the forecast overview -
What are you calling the alert field ?
The color scale that I was showing 4 days ago, is the one in the forecast table, not in the map.
And as a conclusion to this very long thread - too long since 2022 - , and as already said, there is no way to modify the colors in the point forecast table. -
this is exactely what i mean, nothing happend here!
isnt there a ,wishlist' to further prioritize this?