Připoj se do týmu Windy a pojď vyvíjet světovou appku na počasí
Windy roste!🚀 A jelikož brzdit nehodláme, potřebujeme nové posily do týmu, abychom pokračovali v budování té nejlepší appky na světě z Česka! 🇨🇿
Naši aplikaci a web denně navštíví miliony lidí po celém světě.🌎 Každý měsíc vypustíme do světa nové funkce, mapy, modely. A každý den zpracujeme kolem 10 TB dat z předpovědních modelů, satelitů a radarů. 📡V červnu jsme navíc koupili naše parťáky z meteoblue v Basileji.🇨🇭 Zároveň rozšiřujeme a stavíme další útulné officy, aby měli všichni TOP podmínky pro práci.
Je toho dost, co se děje. A sami to nezvládneme. Níže jsou pozice, pro které hledáme ty správné lidi. Pokud máš nějaké otázky k pozicím, napiš nám do komentářů na Windy community. ❤️
💼 Senior JavaScript Developer (🇨🇿)
Ovládáš perfektně Javascript? Troufneš si na komplexní webovou aplikaci, kterou je Windy.com? Jedno ti slíbit můžeme, tvoji práci uvidí miliony lidí každý den. Všude na světě.
Detail pozice ZDE
💼 Node.js Developer (🇨🇿)
Chceš pracovat na klíčových funkcích Windy.com a vyvíjet naše interní API? Typescript/Javascript máš v malíku? A jako bonus můžeš přidat třeba znalosti Node.js, NestJS, Git, Docker, MongoDB, SQL? Jsi náš člověk!
Detail pozice ZDE
💼 Senior PHP Developer (🇬🇧)
You don't mind working in an English-speaking job environment? Join us as a PHP Developer! Since we acquired 🇨🇭meteoblue in June 2024, we strive for experienced developers, who can help us to make the best weather products for wide use.
💼 Senior Python Developer (🇬🇧)
We seek an experienced developer to maintain Python-based products and APIs, drive technical designs, and collaborate with business and meteorology teams and meteoblue 🇨🇭. Fluency in English is required; experience with Docker, Kubernetes, or computer graphics is a plus.
Jsi na pochybách? Udělej krok do první ligy!
K Korina pinned this topic on
@korina Are you planning any winds aloft forecasts?
@wxbee1 Hello, have you tried Airgram in the detailed forecast? it will give you an idea about clouds, base and height, same for the wind.
Is Czech a requirement for working at Windy?
@slentzen-demian Hello, it depends on the position you would be applying for.
@Korina Thanks for answering. It's specifically the Python Developer and Tester positions.
@slentzen-demian You can send us your CV via the form on the jobs portal.
@korina Already done
is there any opportunity windy provide to content writer if they are interested to work with it.?
Hi @MessiahAlan unfortunately we don't offer any similar position nowadays.
I will provide keyword research to windy, is there any opportunity related to my expertise in windy?
@WesleyAaron Unfortunately, there is no open position similar to your description.
I'm a SEO expert anand I have 3+ years of experience. Is windy looking candidate for this profession?
@francescaBrynn At this moment, there are no open positions in Windy
Hello Windy Team!
I'm thrilled to see that you're looking for talented individuals to join your team, especially for roles like Javascript Developer and Python Developer. The opportunity to work on a product with such a global impact and in a dynamic environment really excites me. I've got a strong background in [Javascript/Python] and would love to contribute to your mission of delivering new features and ideas to your millions of users. Plus, the idea of working in your beautiful Prague office sounds fantastic! I would be delighted to discuss how I can be a part of Windy’s exciting journey.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Jhonn Dee
Currently Working at Counting Tools