Is Windy planning to offer other payment methods than FastSpring?
There are more negative than positive Ratings for FastSpring on Trustpilot. That's the only reason why I don't sign up for Windy Premium.
@dtakev Hello, you can also purchase Windy Premium directly in the app through App Store or Google Play, depending on your OS. Otherwise, we do not plan to add or replace FastSpring at the moment. Could you please describe why did not choose to proceed with FastSpring?
"We appreciate your recent attempt to make a purchase with us, and we regret to inform you that the transaction was met with a declined authorization from your card issuer. We regret that your order could not be accepted. We value your business and would like to help you complete this order. Please contact us for assistance."
The card issuer reports there are no transaction attempts from being posted.
Second attempt at purchase results in the same error.