Current vs forecast
When time set to current or past time does Windy display observed conditions, e.g. actual observed cloud cover, or forecasted conditions for that time?
You probably mean 3 or 4 hours before the current time. This is not the observed weather. This is what the model has predicted since its last update. So it is predicted conditions for that time.
But you can compare these predicted conditions to the reported ones at a nearby official weather station (select Reported wind or Reported temperature).
@idefix37 Thanks very much
And I thank idefix37 for that. I'm still just getting the hang of windy
Yes, and I thank you, but I still don’t understand much about this either (but that’s it for now). But soon I need to write a boring essay on the topic of weather, where there must be various exact data. I guess I will turn to for help as always, because this is the best way out when you have an angry and demanding teacher. But I will still need this site :)
What don’t you understand ?