Missing features to be perfect: grib, off-line, weather routing
Hi, Windy is not only the best weather app, it is probably one of the best software ever created. It is not common to find software that looks good, is easy to use, is full of features, it has everything you can imagine and more and is not buggy. It is polished, didn't find bugs while using it. CPU usage optimization probably needs some love.
Lately software is extremely minimalist and when they add features quality is reduced, Windy is the opposite. Congratulations.
Unfortunately there are a few reasons for sailing use case to use other apps:
1 historical data (see how wind was in the route you did last weekend)
2 GRIB files for off-shore small downloads
3 bathymetry and tides (not sure if it is hidden somewhere in the menu, tidal current is there)
4 weather routingBeing weather routing the hardest to implement feature with probably intense backend processing.
From reading this forum I learnt the reason for 1 and 2 not being supported is license limitations. Can it be solved if we pay more?
And what about weather routing? how hard can it be for the obviously super skilled developers you already have in the team?Is depressing to use a competitor app that has this features but is the opposite of "polished" and easy to use software. What can we do to help Windy to implement this features?
Thank you
Yes, Windy is a weather app, but not a navigation app nor a routing one at sea.
Windy needs an internet connection which does not enables to use it off-shore except if your boat is fitted with a satellite broadband connection (quite expensive).
For all your suggestions, it should be necessary to develop special softwares different from an internet app.-
A viewer for GRIB files if they could be available.
A navigation software, with all nautical charts throughout the world, available for downloading ashore.
A routing software, including polars for all kind of boat and types of sails.
But all of them would be independent softwares from Windy as they would need to be used without internet connection at sea.
@ponyo-nauta as @idefix37 mentioned, the features you listed would required intensive development. But we do not rule out that some of them could be available in future depending on user demand.
Perfection would need to include weather fronts...
@boatguy54 How do you get weather front now?
@korina There are expensive routing apps, demand is there. If Windy developers try those apps I'm sure they will find how low quality they are and will be motivated to implement the features.
@ponyo-nauta @Boatguy54 Hello, we do not display weather fronts at the moment.