Embed zoom level and other customisation
First of all great tool. but I do have some remarks. Why is the zoom level restricted to 11 when on the website itself you can zoom deeper than that? I know the wind data will not be more detailed but it will show how the beach is positioned next to the water better when I can zoom in more. I want to use the map to show the wind on certain kite spots and to see if the wind is towards the beach is crucial.
Also are there more ways to customise the map? like removing al timeline, zoom buttons etc. Is this possible with a paid tier?
Here is the max zoom level on Windy mobile app with the 2 different base map available. You want more details? Frankly I consider that it would better to zoom out to see the layout and the position of the beach and the water. No?
There is no way to remove the time line nor buttons.
By the way, could you show a screenshot of your Windy map at max zoom level. -
@idefix37 Sorry. maybe I was not clear enough. im embedding the map so the zoom level is not that zoomed in. the screenshots you show is indeed zoomed in too much.
attached a screenshot of what I have. I want it to be zoomed in a bit more so you can clearly see the layout of the beach. (which in this case you can quite clearly see but on some other spots its more difficult). But I guess I need to use the api for that. Need to consider it still since the app is mostly for myself and 990 euros is a bit much for that.
@andredewaard Hello, you cannot choose the zoom level in the Windy embed. Please also check our Terms of Use.
Sorry I did not realise it was in Windy map embedded.