Display the same charts/diagrams as on windy start page
I would like to implement Windy on my company site. The pure map is not enough here, I would like to display the same detailed information that can be found on the Windy home page (charts/diagrams in the lower part of the screenshot).
Is it possible to use these elements via API? I didn't find anything suitable in the tutorials and the documentation... -
@derpeter Hello, we do not offer this data via API, therefore it is not possible.
@korina I found your widget (https://www.windy.com/de/-Widget-auf-Seite-einbetten/widgets?45.077,-1.121,7) and saw that the weather forecast for wind can be included. Is it possible to not only show the wave layer but also the wave forecast?
@anissa1 Hello, what do you mean? This layer shows the Wave forecast already.
@korina I could change the layer to "waves" but the forecast (chart at the bottom) doesn't have the "waves" ("Wellen" "Dünung" and "Seegangszeit") included. Is there a parameter which can be changed to see it?
@anissa1 I see what you meant. Well, only the basic view is available for the Windy widget.