Login hassle
Most programs have a 'remain logged in' tab which would be very convenient. Sick of logins in general but I have Windy on multiple devices so it gets a bit annoying. Premium account is great but daily password checks spoils it.
@jsr Hello, you should stay logged in if you enter the password and save it. What does actually happen?
@korina Hi sorry I missed your post..Problem is just some programs offer a 'remain logged in option which would be good so when I load Firefox Windy would auto log in. Security is not an issue for me just convenience and trimming passwords & stop starts
@jsr Hello, I would recommend to look at the Firefox settings. For example, Chrome browser does not log you out.
@korina I use Firefox with Windows 7 Ultimate as well and I haven't re-logged in for months.
@korina Cheers 4 that
Hallo, habe gerade Premium abonniert, aber kein Link oder ähnliches per Mail bekommen zum Anmelden. Bestätigung Mail das ich bezahlt habe habe ich erhalten.
@edin1 Hello, please follow this article to restore your purchase.