iOS Widget is showing completely different data
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Hello, is your post still valid? If yes, could you show a screenshot of this difference?
@korina yes it is.
After a few more checks, looks like the widget data is only refreshing every 12/24h?!
The more the weather changes within a few hours the difference gets more visible, as example the widget is only showing one rain block in the evening for the whole day (on every look), but the app itself is updating correctly with showing different rain blocks appearing over the day.A screenshot from today morning. (the image tag doesn't work with ibb. :-/
Widget: -
@wizonede Hello, thank you for additional details.
The difference is because the forecast in the app is updated more frequently than the widget.We are currently preparing a new update, where the widgets will be updated at the same time as the app for Premium users. This will solve the forecast difference you are currently seeing.
thx :)