Change default forecast model
Hi there
I could not find any setting to change the default forecast model. Windy always starts with ECMWF but the ICON is much more precisely and any time I change to ICON and close the app than open it it is set back to the EC…
Just on the widget I can change between three models as default.
iOS App.
Many thanks
select ICON and then in Settings > Start-up location and layer > Start-up layer > Use last overlay.
Next time Windy will start with this model. -
@idefix37 Thanks for the fast reply.
That does not work. It starts again in the EC…
I just want to have Weatherradar every time I start it (klicking on the widget to see the actual weather for my location and in the background weatherradar). But with ICON.These are now my settings:
The widget is set to ICON:
Klick the widget to open windy:
Yes, it does not work when you open the app with the widget, even with the widget set for ICON.
I don’t understand when you say ‘I want to have weather radar … but with ICON’
Radar layer is not linked to a weather model. -
First choose the model and layer you want to set as default. Then in Settings -> Start-up location and layer -> Start-up layer > Use last overlay. It works if you don’t start Windy with the widget.
@idefix37 But this is a very boring point. Why its not easily possible to set the default model?
I only want to start Windy via the widget because I see this on my Homescreen and if i wanna have more information because the small widget indication was interesting I will klick on it and get more information. -
@sackelrapp Hi, we will add this option to the upcoming update, which should be released within a few weeks. If you set for e.g. ICON model in the widget, you will also see ICON in the detailed forecast if you open Windy through widget.
You should get that. It’s not what you get? -
And what is your language?
I have checked with my own language. It is not translated, still in English, but it’s there. -
OK I see it when I select Cestina language, but still in english, not translated. -
Am I right? This is Czech language ? -
@korina hello korina I greet you from Mexico I know this has nothing to do with it, but I would like to clarify a doubt, I live in acapulco de juarez Mexico it has just rained very hard, I am an officer of air ground operations and meteorological capacity, checking the Windy application one of My favorites by the way is that I see close to the Guatemalan elites with the Pacific getting closer I don't know if it's exactly a tropical storm or a hurricane, I hope you can clear my doubts, I send you many regards
Hi, you are probably talking about the tropical depression Bonnie can visualize its future track with Wind accumulation. It is not (yet) shown in the Windy Hurricane tracker.
Displayed with customized colors. -
@cailte Hi, you need to refresh the page to get all texts translated.
@Korina said in Change default forecast model:
@sackelrapp Hi, we will add this option to the upcoming update, which should be released within a few weeks. If you set for e.g. ICON model in the widget, you will also see ICON in the detailed forecast if you open Windy through widget.
Two years later, is this option available; is it possible to set the default forecast model once for all? -
@Korina said in Change default forecast model:
@sackelrapp Hi, we will add this option to the upcoming update
No motivation to pay for app without such option (
Please, add ability to fix change model globally -
@Kostiantyn-3 Hi, it is still planned, hopefully it will be made soon until the end of this year. I will push this in a discussion with colleagues.
@Suty I am very interested in this capability also. In the settings on my phone (Android) I see the setting for "Startup layer and location". The layer changes what animation I see on the screen (I changed it to Waves), but it does not change the type of forecast. I have to tap "Display as:" every time I open the app, and choose Wave and tide. I would think that any boater would need to do the same.
I would greatly appreciate this functionality being added. -
This feature (see title) is asked since June 2022. Perhaps, it's very difficult to do.... or perhaps, there is a collusion between Windy and ECMWF providers... A due date or a definitely negative answer could be less disappointing and more appropriate.
@Sackelrapp its still not working. i want have my default ON my mobile and my Mac Icon EU.